Friday, June 25, 2010

Saturday, November 28, 2009

!!Happy Birthday!!

To all of you who have birthdays in November!! Hope your day was/is Wonderful!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year

I know. I am a slacker. For some reason it's just really hard to remember to come and post things on blogs. Maybe I should make it a new year's resolution so I can break it. I am SO good at breaking resolutions that I could do it with my eyes closed... =)

Things here are pretty good. It's kind of hectic as we are waiting impatiently for our house to be finished. We should be within the 2 month mark. They started drywalling this week and have done a lot in just 2 days of drywall. It would have taken me a month to get that far.

I am still enjoying my work with robots at the Idaho National Lab. I took one down to the mexican border in December and ran it down a smuggler's tunnel. Pretty wild. Now we are trying to get some parts working for our land-mine-detection system.

The family is doing well too. The boys are almost settled into school and life here. We are really enjoying Geralee's house. She has been so good to us to let us stay here. We do our best to trash it and are pretty good at it. We have yet to take down Christmas decorations.

Of course we miss many of you who aren't here - but it's great being around so much of the family. It's been a long time since we had the chance to run into family in town. =)

We've posted most of our house pictures on facebook but I'll try to upload some later when I get some on this computer.

Hope the new year is wonderful for everyone and the coming year is so awesomely wonderful you feel guilty about it. =)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'll tell you what, she's got rhythm.

She takes after her father in that respect.

Great Grandma's here

Oops, we forgot the birthday. We talked in church today and bragged about our grand kids and great grand kids. (They did a very, very good job!) They are really are the cutest and smartest I've ever seen.

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Walker


when do kids become afraid of the dark??
Last night we preformed an experiment by putting Armanie in the bathroom alone and closing the door on her. It took about 1.25 seconds to hear that she was scared, which begs the question, how did the dark become scary to her? She has seen no scary movies, she has never seen a monster, and she doesn't comprehend spiders dropping from the ceiling from an invisible thread of spidery evilness only to land on your back and crawl down your shirt before you can get it off, as you feel the eight pointy legs scurrying across your skin to find teh perfect spot to sink its razor sharp fangs into that area of your back where you cannot reach and start eating your flesh and poisining your body with its filthy venom.

Anyways, I don't know what she's so scared about.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Armanie is 11 months

It started with a Birthday eve bath...
and this morning we all had french toast. Armanie had her own but you can't see it very well.
She's a quick eater
Sorry for the lapse in posts. We finally have internet that works!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Here's some pictures of the new house. It's still a work in progress but gives you an idea of how great it is! That's my stuff and Victor's family's stuff in the garage! Poor Dad.

Strange People

Lance is in the bathroom tub. The floor was rotted around the toilet. Lance did a LOT on the bathroom.
Helena and the boys helped pull the wall paper off the wall in the big bedroom and that other guy -- well, you know him:)

Celeste, this is way old, but it's still funny for you Mom and I. It's related to her dream she told you.

The Old House

OK,here are a few pictures of what the house looked like when I found it. The white stuff is what smouldered. I pulled the covers off my bed and you can see the soot. Pretty interesting.

Future Dads


This is for the times you need to escape to the mountains but can't seem to get away. Just put a towel over your head and the computer (no, a dish towel would be better, because then you could have some light) and watch and listen as if you were sitting on the edge of the lake below the overlook of the one-way road.

OK, that was an interesting experiment. I waited about 20 minutes to upload the video and it still isn't done so that's that! Here are a few pictures of Armanie when she came to visit Idaho.

I can't believe it!!!! I think this is a video of when I went to Jenny Lake in August to just soak in the mountains again. I'll try it and then try another post. You are really going to hear from me today because work is dead and I have time to do this:)


HEllo. This is just a test. I actually posted something last night and it didn't work. So I'm going to see if this goes on and then I'll try some more:)

Monday, October 13, 2008


So it's been a really long time since we posted anything, and even though we still don't have a lot to post-I am getting sick of looking at our blog, so I guess this is just stuff to fill up space.

So the first week of September Dave, Audrey and I went to the Blackfoot fair right after school. It was a nice day outside and it was fun to be at the fair-it brought back good memories. We wandered through the different booths and looked at all the animals. We didn't go on any of the rides because fair rides are a little scary, expensive, and we didn't want to have another episode like in Denver.

Later that month we celebrated Grandma Walker's birthday. Everyone minus Kitsy and Shane's families (we're sad you weren't there) were there and we ate dinner outside. The weather has been beautiful this fall (except that today it has been snowing all day so fall is basically over) and so it was fun to be together outside. We spent a lot of the day inside great grandma and grandpa Elkington's house listening to their old Edison record player. Grandma told us some fun stories about when she was little and listened to it, and we even got to listen to the Three Billy Goats Gruff which brought back good memories for me of when grandma used to tell us that story.

Our ward had an Elders Quorum clay pigeon shooting activity where the wives were invited. Luckily there were 2 other girls there, because I felt really out of place. I shot three times, didn't hit anything and thought my arm was going to fall off. Dave however did really well, for the fact that he had never even shot a gun before.

School for me has been going good so far. I have a really good class this year. They are really nice and hard working and we seem to have fun. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like it to be summer vacation where I could read my book and do nothing, but it's good so far. Dave switched back to part time at the bank so two days a week he can work on art.
I think I decided to deport Dave because he filled out the wrong form to get his greencard renewed which cost $370. It turns out we cannot get that money back and the form he needs to actually fill out costs $540. He is going to write a sob story letter about how we cannot afford it to see if they will waive the fee. If that doesn't work maybe I will move to a city on the US side of the border and we can visit each other every once in awhile.
So that is life for us. We hope all of you are doing well!

Monday, October 6, 2008


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